Cookie policy

This website uses Technical Cookies. The cookies are files sent to a browser by means of a web server to record the activities of the User in a website or services of the websites of SIDERÚRGICA SEVILLANA (hereinafter the services). The cookies are used to facilitate faster access to selected services, and customise the services offered by the websites of SIDERÚRGICA SEVILLANA based on the user’s usual choices and preferences when making use of the services.

The cookies are associated with an anonymous user and their computer and do not collect personal data. The user can configure their browser not to allow the installation of cookies used by the websites of SIDERÚRGICA SEVILLANA without the user being prevented from accessing the services by the rejection of the services, but not allowing the installation of cookies. In this case, you can lower the speed and quality of operation of the website, or even prevent any of the services from being used.

Classification of cookies according to their duration:

“Session Cookies” or “Persistent Cookies”: the former are deleted when the browser is closed, while the latter remain on the computer.

“First-party Cookies” or “Third-party Cookies”: depending on whether they are served by the web domain itself, or to a third party.


Classification of cookies according to their purpose:

User input cookies or session cookies: Used for logins, shopping baskets, etc.

  • Authentication cookies: Identify the user once they log in to the system.
  • User centric security cookies: Cookies aimed at increasing the security of a service requested by the user, such as controlling security by repeatedly attempting to access a login system.
  • Multimedia Player session cookies (Flash Cookies): The following are used to store technical data needed to play video or audio (such as image quality or network speed).
  • Load balancing session cookies: These cookies would only store information about connection points (technical cookie).
  • UI customization cookies: hey are usually used to customise the appearance of the website (language, etc.).
  • Social plug-in content sharing cookies: The networks social partners are often provided with “plug-in modules” that website headlines can integrate in their platform so that users of social networks can share contents with their contacts. These plug-ins usually involve the installation of cookies on users’ computers.
  • Third party advertising: Cookies used for third party ad networks.
  • Analytical Cookies: They generate statistics on visitor flow, browsing patterns, etc.
  • Cookies analíticas: generan estadísticas sobre flujo de visitantes, patrones de navegación, etc.
  • AddThis
  • Cookies to link content and share files on social networks. They provide us with information about which content is shared most and through which social networks.


Types, purpose and functioning of the cookies used on the website

The cookies that are currently used on the website are:

Name of the cookie 1st party or 3rd party Purpose Date of
Does it involve access to personal data? Type of cookie
 ASP.NET_SessionId 1st party  Cookie that stores a unique identifier per session through which it is possible to link data necessary to enable navigation in progress.  Expires with current session  No  Session



How to disable cookies in the main browsers

They can be blocked or disabled with your browser’s configuration tools. The browser makes it possible to reject the installation of all cookies, or to choose to reject only some of them.
We indicate the links to the tools of the main browsers, in which you can find out how to disable cookies.


Google Chrome


Mozilla Firefox


Apple Safari


Internet Explorer Version 5


Internet Explorer Version 6


Internet Explorer Versions 7 and 8


Internet Explorer Version 9


Internet Explorer Version 10 and previous


What happens if you disable the cookies

If you disable the cookies you may continue to use our website but it is possible that some of the services and/or links may cease to function, that you may not be able to initiate or maintain an interactive session with the services on the website, and we may not be able to obtain valuable information from you in order to provide you with content in accordance with your interests so that you may more easily and quickly access the information of interest to you.


Changes to the cookies policy

SIDERÚRGICA SEVILLANA may modify this cookies policy either to incorporate new cookies for new content to be offered, or based on legislative or regulatory requirements, that make it necessary to change said policy; for that reason, Users are advised to visit it before beginning the navigation of the website, and every time that they visit it again.



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