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Technical cookies
These cookies are indispensable for the correct functioning of the Riva Group websites and are used to manage login and access to the site's reserved functions. The duration of the cookies is strictly limited to the work session (when the browser is closed they are deleted).
Analytical cookies
These are cookies used to collect and analyse traffic and usage of the site in an anonymous way. Although these cookies do not identify the user, they allow us, for example, to detect whether the same user returns to the site at different times. They also allow us to monitor the system and improve its performance and usability. These cookies can be deactivated without any loss of functionality.
The fulfillment of our management system is verified and audited by third parties to guarantee quality, reliability, sustainability and safety in our production process.
Integrated management systems certifications (IMS)
Environmental Quality Distinction of the Government of Andalucía
Quality Management (ISO 9001:2015)
Environmental Management (ISO 14001:2015)
Energy Management (ISO 50001:2018)
Occupational Health and Safety (OHSAS 18001:2007)
Steel Sustainability Management (SGSS-2:2014)
Sustainability for steel construction products mark (SustSteel-2012)
Product certifications
AENOR (N) mark for rerbars: B400S and B500S (UNE 36,068), B400SD and B500SD (UNE 36,065) qualities
AENOR (N) mark for profiles: flats, squares, round bars and angles with equal grades in JR, J0 and J2 grades
CE mark for profiles: flats, squares, round bars and angles with equal grades in JR, J0 and J2 grades
CERTIF (Portugal) mark for rerbars: A400NR (E449), A500NR (E450), A400NRSD (E455) and A500NRSD (E460) qualities
Conformity under D.M. 17.01.2018 "Construction Technical Standard" of hot rolled concrete reinforcing steel product for the following countries: Italia